Detox foot pads are an over-the-counter (OTC) product that claims to remove toxins from the body while you rest at night. The makers of these adhesive pads, which you stick to the bottom of your feet, also assert that they can improve various other medical conditions.
These claims have never been proven, and the product is widely viewed as a scam. Detoxing the body isn't necessary because the liver naturally gets rid of toxins through normal bodily functions.
Carolin Voelker / Getty Images
What Are Detox Foot Pads?
Detox foot pads are adhesive patches that are placed on the bottom of your feet before you go to bed at night.
The product is left in place while you sleep. It's claimed that ions in the pads draw toxins—like heavy metals—out of your body.
When you wake up in the morning, the pads are typically discolored and may be stained with a brown or blackish hue. The Detox manufacturers of this product claim (incorrectly) that this is proof that harmful or toxic materials were effectively removed from your body.1
Do Detox Foot Pads Work?
Contrary to the claims of their manufacturers, detox foot pads do not remove toxins from the body. There is no proof that they effectively treat any medical condition. The makers of this product have been fined and penalized by the FTC for these false assertions.
Many of the claims made by the makers of detox foot pads are both false and misleading. In fact, not only might this product be both a waste of money and time, but its ingredients can actually cause harmful side effects, as noted below.
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